Tabletop 2018
SAFD by the Sea
Designer=Susie Kruse

Flower Power
Designers=Betty Lind, Barbara Progar, Amy Vross, Cheryl Noonan and Monica Strenge

Lavender & Lilac
Tami Oliver & Michelle Leavitt

For Our Honored Guest, Dr. Mable John
Flowers donated by VIP Sponsor Pikes Peak of Texas Designers= Ken Senter, Pam Bates & Ilissa Collins

Life is a Picnic
Designers=Pam Dube, Barbara Lellis, and Diane Smith

1-2-3 Paint
Designer= Jim Gast from Shirley Acres

Splish Splash I was taking a Bath
Designers= Diana Hanley & Phyllis Schlueter

Table for Dee Muyskens
Designers= Olga Lea and Mark Rusinger

Beauty of Rainbow Colors of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue & Purple too.
Designers= Aida Quesada and Diana Cavazos

Inspired by Edibles
Designers= Sharon Barton & Dianne Abrahams

The Presidents Table VIP Sponsor, Mayesh
Designers= Eileen Collins, Alan Masters & Ilissa Collins

The Enchanted Garden
Designers= Kroger Houston Division
Debbie Lyon, Penny Jose & Jeff Bass

Hanging Out
Designer= Vilma & Maytte Jurado
La Mer ( The Sea )
Yanick Stam