At A Glance

Hands On Ikebana design SAFD Meeting on 3/18/2025


Society for the Advancement of Floral Design

SAFD Motto: We learn how, share the knowledge and give it away.

Visit Us at:

To become a member of SAFD, return this application with your check, made payable to SAFD, for $40, or $25 if student 24 years of age or younger. You can also join during regular meetings.

Mail the application to: SAFD, INC. Membership Chairman P.O. Box 683166 Houston, TX 77268-3166 (You must include the 3166 in the zip code)

Name:_______________________________ Mailing Address:_____________________ _____________________________________ City, State, & Zip: ____________________ Home#:______________________________ Work #:______________________________ Cell #:_______________________________

Email Address:_______________________ [ ] New Member [ ] Renewal

[ ] Returning Member – Address/Phone Change

Amount Paid $______

Date Paid___/___/___ Check#:______________Cash:__________

[ ] Yes [ ] No Do you wish to share your contact information with fellow SAFD Members?

We would appreciate each member to participate in making our organization successful. We would like to encourage your participation by recognizing your talents.


SAFD Buying Power

Craftex Wholesale

7215 Ashcroft
Houston, TX 77008 713-771-6691 (Silk flowers, ribbons, other supplies)

Pikes Peak of Texas Inc.

4340 Directors Row Houston, TX 77092 713-686-4500 (Fresh flowers, silk flowers, supplies) 20% off Wednesdays

Southern Floral Co.

1313 W. 20th St. Houston, TX 77008 713-880-1300 (Fresh flowers and supplies) 20% off Tuesdays

Taylor Wholesale

1601 21st Street Houston, TX 77008 713-869-7481 (Fresh flowers and supplies)

Mayesh Wholesale

470 Garden Oaks Blvd. Houston, TX 77018 832-410-4810 (Fresh flowers)

Floral Supply Syndicate

392 Garden Oaks Blvd. Houston, TX 77018 713-487-4888 (Floral Supplies)

Popular Links

The Texas State Florist Association | Pikes Peak Of Texas | Taylor Wholesale | Allied Florist of Houston | Southern Floral